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Roger signs petition to stop the Government reducing the minimum wage

Roger says that the government has announced plans to order the Low Pay Commission to consider freezing, or even cutting, the National Minimum Wage, if the economy doesn’t pick up.
He said: “The savage benefits cuts aren’t enough for this Coalition, now the vulnerable are being asked to pay an even bigger price for stagnant economic growth and the rampant greed of bankers. Whatever Cameron says, it becomes increasingly difficult for him to defend these changes on economic and social grounds alone.
These changes are ideologically motivated and designed to erode the government’s responsibility in these areas. Sowing the seed will reap the whirlwind of massive social unrest down the line.”
Roger concluded: “The minimum wage is a vital safety net for those in low paid jobs but it is more than that, it is a commitment to social justice.”
Roger has also signed the petition which calls for Iain Duncan Smith, the current Work and Pensions Secretary, to prove his claim of being able to live on £7.57 a day, or £53 a week.

This article appeared in the May edition of Roger's newsletter 'Postcard from Parliament'