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Children and Families Bill - ‘Provide Local Principle’

Roger has written to Edward Timpson MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (children and families) asking him to give very serious thought, particularly in light of the changes that are going to take place in the administration of disability support, to incorporate where possible, the principle of locally provided and accessible services.
Roger said: �As I am sure that the Minster can appreciate what the families of disabled children need most from the new Children and Families Bill is better support close to home. The recent and continuing furore over the abuse in care homes only serves to strenghen this argument.
This will significantly reduce the toll of anxiety and stress that almost all parents of disabled children continually feel and make a great contribution to many of the families who miss out on basic family activities like celebrating birthdays or going swimming. Many parents struggle financially and are not able to hold down jobs because support services are only available miles from home.�
He concluded: �I think that we owe it to disabled children and their families to provide this support so that they have a basic quality of care available to them and that these services are not further eroded by current plans to reduce benefits expenditure.�

This article appeared in the December edition of Roger's newsletter 'Postcard from Parliament'