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Roger calls for fully funded pay rise for public sector workers

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Roger has tabled an Early Day Motion calling for a real pay rise for public sector workers.

He said: “Since the Conservatives got into power seven years ago, public sector workers have had a real-terms pay cut and are now up to £3,000 per year worse off. This is having a damaging impact on the UK’s ability to recruit staff to essential sectors across the public sector, as well as damaging the living standards of these workers, who carry out essential jobs on which we all depend.”

The motion calls on the Government to urgently remove the one per cent cap from public sector pay and permit a pay rise which takes both inflation and the previous seven years of real-terms pay cuts into account. It also calls on the Government to ensure that this pay rise is fully funded, rather than being expected to come out of already extremely tight departmental or local authority budgets.

Said Roger: “I am calling on the Government to listen to the voices of workers themselves and their union representatives when deciding on the rules within which pay review bodies must operate. We need to recognise the hard work of public sector workers. The Government should take the opportunity of the upcoming Autumn Statement to end the public sector pay cap.”

The EDM is online here: