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Roger says “Give Jeremy a chance”

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Speaking to members and activists in Hall Green after the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the Labour Party, Roger said:

“We certainly live in interesting times and are sailing in unchartered waters. As I have made clear I did not nominate any of the candidates for Leader because I had reservations, albeit different ones, about each of the four candidates. I wish there had been a ‘Barbara Castle’ figure standing because it is about time the Labour Party had a woman leader and I would have happily voted for her. The two women candidates on offer were not, in my opinion, in the same league as Barbara Castle and I do not particularly rate either of them.

"Andy Burnham is a nice guy who I like. He actually gives the impression that he is listening to you when you talk to him but, unfortunately, he is totally vacuous and is very much a ‘Westminster careerist’ and this is something the general public do not like. Jeremy Corbyn has a number of views which I subscribe to. I agree with him about the need to end the neoliberal economic agenda which has been the prevailing economic orthodoxy since the time of Thatcher and Reagan. I also agree with him that the justification for austerity has got nothing to do with economics but everything to do with the Tories intent to roll back and dismantle the state.

"I agree with Jeremy that Trident should not be renewed and I also agree with him about the need to bring the railways back into public or community ownership. I do not agree with him about NATO which, in my opinion, has been the most successful mutual defence alliance in history and never attacked anybody between the time it was sent up in 1948 and the ending of the Cold War. The mistake that NATO made afterwards was, at the behest of the Americans, in becoming the ‘world’s policeman’ which caused massive problems within the alliance amongst its member countries. I also do not agree with his views on immigration because I support a policy of balanced migration.

"My main reservation about Jeremy was, however, that his election would result in a coordinated vicious attack on him by the Tory press and media and this is exactly what has happened. Only time will tell whether he can come through this.

"There is no doubt that his campaign ignited tremendous interest and enthusiasm and this is to be very much welcomed and on the basis of him receiving 59% of the vote (almost exactly the same vote that I received in the General Election!) he is entitled to be given an opportunity of putting together his own Cabinet and team, which I hope will be broad based, and to win the support of the Parliamentary Labour Party for his distinctive views.

"I was happy to nominate and vote for Tom Watson as Deputy Leader and was delighted he was elected.”