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Proceeds of crime to be made available to local police forces for community projects

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Roger was very pleased by the recent announcement that £800,000 would be made available to police forces around the country from funds seized by criminals under proceeds of crime legislation. This money will be used to support community programmes or reduce crime.

Balsall Health police commented that: “This is a great opportunity to put criminals’ money directly into Sparkbrook.” The force has previously been successful in its applications for new computers and bikes for Concord Centre, as well as for insurance and jackets for Streetwatch members.

Said Roger: “I have had a long battle with the Home Office to get them to concede that funds gained by criminal behaviour should be used for community restitution. I am delighted that they have finally agreed to do this, and I look forward to my local police force making more successful bids for funding which helps the local community and lowers crime.”