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Roger welcomes the publication of Council’s Capita contact.

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Roger has welcomed the decision by Birmingham City Council to publish details of its multi-million pound outsourcing deal with Capita, which was signed by the Tory/Lib Dem Coalition when they were in power.

Said Roger: “It is absolutely right that the people of Birmingham should know the details of this contract, under which the Council pays Capita about £126 million a year to run its IT, call centre and billing services.

“I will be particularly interested to find out how Capita can justify being paid £1.2 million to build the website for the City’s new library and a further £190,000 a year to run it, when Worcester Country Council spent only £10,000 on the website for its new library and centre, and Liverpool City Council disclosed that the costs for its library website were just four hours of staff time to upload new pictures and alter text!”